Saturday, June 7, 2008

What's all the ruckus about some Hockey Song?

I hung out at the beach this morning and watched a friend's surf lesson. Afterwards as we walked on the beach she asked me about - some controversy in Canada swirling around a hockey song?!? Apparent, NPR and Yahoo news have been runing stories about it.

Ah, yes, earlier this morning I was reading on that the beloved trumpet fanfare/Intro to Hockey Night in Canada may have played for the last time.

Canadians are pretty passionate about their hockey and with 40 years of passion and tradition associated with HNIC - they are not going to let the theme song slip away without a fight. Many have even nicknamed the theme, the second national anthem

In fact one Ottawa paper reported that, "Conservative Heritage Minister Josée Verner must defend one of Canada's most famous musical traditions and do everything possible to ensure the CBC continues to broadcast the theme. The Hockey Night in Canada theme is a part of Canada's culture that goes beyond sport," Coderre said. "If the minister wants to show that she cares about Canadian heritage, this is her chance."

Wondering what all the fuss is about. Below is a YouTube clip of the HNIC opening.

CBC now has a blog page where you can share your special memories of the HNIC Theme song?!? Click here to read. The Toronto Star did the below Man On The Street piece about Toronto's reaction to the demise of the theme song!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG! What's next? Curling riots!