Red Alert Will Robinson
Weather man had posted a severe weather watch ... something about a thunderstorm.
Surely, he was wrong.
Thunderstorm, in Southern California, in summer.
Not happening.
I decided to err on the side of caution and I aborted my plans to ride.
Mid afternoon the rain started - but within minutes it changed to hail. Not wimpy little ice chip hail. This was full blown *HUGE* ice balls. As the pellets hit the roof of the Winebego parked on the street -- they were bouncing 4 -6 feet in the air.
I immediately grabbed my camera and sprinted through the entire office and out the front door.
Here is a gang of us out on the front stoop ooohing and aaahing at it all.

An unlikely combination

The expression on this guys face is priceless. What a tramatic experience ;)
I bet he is thinking: "Damn it, Elizabeth stop laughing and take the piscture already. This stuff is cold".
Hmm, wonder if he has seen snow???
Thanks for sharing.
Kate B
It was hysterical being in the midst of it all and the looks of shock, awe, fear and excitement.
When you are deprived (poor us sunshine and blue skies all the time) - you get over the top excited when weather comes and pays you a visit!
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