Turns out Miss O's Daddy is a meanie and made this cache very tricky. I need a few hints and help along the way - but eventually I emerged victorious.

See that black whole in the piece of pavement. That is the hole that Daddy to hide the cache. The metal cache container was painted black so it was camouflaged and then hid way under a pine tree in area thick with bush!
After crossing the Red Sea in a flooded out park - I discovered my second cache. The person who hid this one was *much* nicer. I was able to find it all by myself without any hints!!

Congrats on your first geocaches! My husband and I have been geocaching over three years now. We just love it. Careful though, it can be addicting.
Thanks Chris. My sister and brother-in-law are pretty fanatical about geocaching. I think it is fun to see how many stashes are in my immediate neighbourhood!
They're everywhere!!!! It's fun to get out and find new places urban and scenic... but you can't be afraid to get your hands dirty or be given a few odd looks now and then! LOL
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