After many years resisting the cell phone and then just playing marginal lip service to it... this week 'pigs flew' and finally 'got with the program'. Although, truthfully ... my change in heart has very little to with wanting a 'phone'. Instead, I was won over by the integration of camera, video, gps and lots of "gee whiz" cool apps.
Once I made the decision - the adventure of actually scoring the long awaited new
iPhone 3Gs began. It started with pre-ordering and configuring the phone online. Then the long and anxious wait for the magic release date.
Today was the big day. Last night I received a shiny happy little e-mail from Apple letting me know they were looking forward to seeing me today :-) So much so... that they would be opening at 7 am to welcome me.
I knew I needed to be at work by 9 am - so I figured I would get up around 5 am and allow for some buffer time... just in case those crazy University kids decided to camp out the night before.
Shortly after 6 am. In line.
Apple Store isn't visible yet
Clearly, when I arrived I was not properly prepared. The early crew (3 a.m.) came complete with chairs, reading material and provisions. Despite the early soft open at 6 am, it was evident this was going to take a while. Sometime around 7 am the Apple folks had pity on us and sent the unprepared at the back of the line food and water.
Provisions for the journey - courtesy of Apple
As we crept past 8 am and the Apple store still wasn't in sight... I started to think "Uh, Oh" I am going to be late for work. But, I was committed and had too much invested to abort my mission now. Thankfully, shortly after 8:30 am we turned a corner and the beloved Apple logo was finally visible!
Shortly after 8:30 am our destination is finally visible
At approximate 9 am today, my mission was accomplished! I triumphantly walked into the store and received my new phone. Seconds after activation it was configured to sync with my mobile Me account. What a beautiful sight to see my address book, calendar, e-mail... everything was synced up and on my phone before I left the store. Oh happy day!
A tired but triumphant Tippie arrives at work.
The new iPhone still in it's plastic wrap.
Here is a
link to a fun video by David Pogue of the New York Times. He likes the new IPhone 3Gs!