The traffic was eerily light today Instead of the usual whirr of cars and SUVs speeding by - it was just the occasional shuttle bus, taxi or limo slowly climbing the Genesee hill with me. I guess all those ominous road signs warning to 'Avoid the area' scared people away. About half-way up the hill I came upon a man in golf clothes held up a fistful of U.S. Open tickets. A taxi pulled over and he was off running to make a sale. The area was crawling with men in orange vests guarding empty corporate parking lots. The odd lots advertised parking, but most were taped off with yellow police tape and everywhere there were 'No Event Parking' signs. There was an explosion of orange cones everywhere. A fun little obstacle course for my Sunday afternoon ride.

The most entertaining part of my bike ride as all the crazy road signs. The sign below says no stopping and no standing. There was a policeman near by, watching me closely, as I stopped my bike for a moment and stood there to snap a picture.

Just past this sign was another series of signs - including a big yellow sign that showed a person walking with a big circle with a line through it - along the walkway leading to the admissions entrance. Go figure!

With all the excitement- I almost wish I had an interest in or knew a bit about the game of golf.
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