The picture above is the home we met at for our Biloxi re-union party. It would make the Griswald's proud - or so our Biloxi friends joked!
Over the last two year there have been nine teams of people who have travelled from San Diego to the Gulf Coast to help rebuild homes that were damaged or destroyed by Katrina in South Biloxi. Tonight was an opportunity to get together and reflect on those trips and hear about the adventures the folks from Biloxi have experienced during their volunteer work this week in San Diego. They spent today on the sand bag work crews, scaling the sides of slippery, muddy mountainsides. Hard work - but they felt so blessed to have an opportunity to help the community that supported them in their time of need.
Tonight, as I exited the freeway and made my way to Poway - the car filled with a heavy burnt smell. It is amazing how 6 weeks later and after a full day of rain - the smell of smoke is still so powerful in this area. Just being able to meet here tonight is an amazing blessing. Last months the fires were burning right across the street. The man who lives across the road was at the party. He had made several trips to Biloxi to help re-build. The firestorm completely consumed his backyard - but miraculously his home was spared.
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