This morning I woke up to the pitter patter sounds of rain. Uh oh, that rain is washing away all my beautiful snow!
Standing on The Front Porch This Morning
Crank the Volume to hear the pitter patter of rain
Current Weather: - 3degC, feels like temp of -10degC 45 km/h winds.
Translation to fahrenheit - below freezin' and freakin' cold!
This afternoon I enjoyed (?!?) a rather scenic tour of Hamilton mountain. I set out to run a couple of brief errands at the local mall. I drive by landmarks and intuition rather than actual directions. Well, turns out, in the year or two two since my last trip to the mall - the landmarks have changed. So the 10 minute drive turned into an hour. I would have called home and sought navigational help - but ... U.S. cell phones no longer work in Canada. I asked the sales clerk in the Roots Store if the cell networks had been recently upgraded to 3G technology - I got a blank stare followed from a "what planet are you on?" look - so I changed the topic of conversation to track pants. That is my theory though, Canada is using 3G technology, making our US based 2G phones obsolete.
Here is interesting new tidbit I have noticed this trip -- detects that you are logged on from a Canadian IP address and automatically re-directs you to (has different skin and slightly different interface) and offers me a version of google en Français.
The temperature has dropped tonight. The rain from earlier today has transformed the roads into skating rinks. However, that wasn't enough to deter any of us from hopping in the car and heading to Swiss Chalet for dinner. I spent most of the flight from Cincinnati to Toronto talking with another displaced Canadian about the wonders of a quarter chicken dinner and chalet sauce - so there was NO way a little ice was going to keep me from my long anticipated dinner. "Shout Out" to big brother Robert for the gift certificate that paid for my dinner!

Memorable Moment: The look of horror and the scolding I received from my mother when I took out my camera to snap a picture of my dinner.
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