I have spent the last two nights hunting around in *these* bushes - and nothing, nada. What makes my defeat even more painful ... these bushes are a mere 500 feet from my living room.

It all started last night. I was sitting in my comfy chair, iPhone in hand, and thinking I should go for a run but feeling lazy about it. While procrastinating I decided to see if there were any caches hidden in my neighbourhood. I fired up the geocaching app and low and behold I am in the midst of a geocache minefield. Closest one - a 500 feet from where I was sitting.
Lesser Known Landmark #1
A cache by Zenlunatic Hidden: 1/7/2009
Size: (Small) Difficulty: 1 Terrain: 1.5
SW 515ft from your home coordinates
In California, United States
Cool, can't get much closer than that. Good-bye evening run, hello treasure hunt.
GPS in hand I headed out.
I never thought to change out of my white tennies and white and green rugby shirt. Big mistake. In no time flat I was covered in leaves and cobwebs and dirt! I finally had to give up when it started to get dark.
O.K. fast forward to tonight. After work I change into my 'painting' shoes and a dark shirt and shorts and head out to the bushes by the curb. It is Friday night and the neighbourhood is alive with folks out enjoying the cool of the evening. Just as I hop on the water meter to look above me on the concrete wall ... the ubiquitous Mormon missionaries come over to see what I am up to. I explain I am actually not peering over to enjoy the temple... I am looking for hidden treasure. They give each other a puzzled look and wisely decide to move on. Phew! I re-check my GPS and once again decide that my target should be the bushes. I am getting tired so I plunk down on the sidewalk and start peering under leaves. Several passerbys stop to ask me if I have lost something - they readily offer assistance. I am a familiar face in this neighbourhood. "No thanks, I am just searching for a geocache", I cheerfully respond.
Perhaps I should have started this in someone else's neighbourood. Someplace I could be anonymous.
Once again it went dark tonight and I came home empty handed.
Yup, two evening spent in bushes and nada.
Time to reach out and ask for help. Tonight I e-mailed Zenlunatic and asked if he could give me a hint. His posting says the cache is too easy for a hint - but I am hoping he will hear my plea for help and throw me a lifeline!
1 comment:
Tippie. Just love this! Good luck.
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