Today is Thanksgiving in Canada.
Oh, to be home in Ontario enjoying cool fall weather, colourful leaves and Thanksgiving Dinner.
I haven't been able to convince my employer to recognize Canadian holidays - so it was a work day for me! All was not lost though - I managed to have my own little Thanksgiving celebration this evening. I feasted on a plate of my latest food obsession - Sweet Potatoe Fries. While wandering the freezer section of Whole Foods, I discovered the fabulous Alexia Brand Sweet Potatoe Fries. I am hooked. Truly, this was "love at first bite" !

The Santa Anna's are blowing and the warm weather is back. It is unsettling when the warm winds start - they signal the beginning of fire season. Even before you can smell the fires you know they are out there - the whole world gets strangely quiet - there is an eerie feeling that just hangs in the air. Evacuations have begun in two areas of the county. They haven't been able to contain the fires that started earlier in the day. This Thanksgiving Day I am thankful that I am safe and sound and sleeping in my own bed tonight. I end the day with a prayer and hope for a kinder gentler fire season.
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