Once back on solid ground after the harrowing Ferris Wheel experience -- I asked my GPS to find me the nearest Koo Koo Roo! Less than a mile away - score! How could I pass up an opportunity to enjoy the amazing butternut squash?!? Or should I say... the Ross Squash.

So, here I am enjoying the squash. I snapped a picture to send off to Ross. I little thank-you e-mail to show my appreciation to the person who single-handedly brought the butternut squash back from extinction!

Well... Ross being Fanfreakin'tastic guy that he is - actually wrote me back
LOVE THESE PHOTOS!!! I'm gonna post them on the blog. So... how was the squash?!?!? :)
That's right! The latest Elizadventure makes it on the Ross blog. Click here to check out Ross' blog! May 5th entry - not only to I get a mention in the bumper, but scroll down and eeek there are my pictures!
Ross was on Good Morning LA the other day talking about Koo Koo Roo. Click here to view.
thanks for sending in your pics..I enjoyed seeing them..Hope they get some of these on the East Coast
Here comes your 15 minutes of fame. When should we expect to see you on Leno?
When there was a Koo Koo Roo at Costa Verde, I used to go there ALL the time. Love their chicken.
No freakin' way!
Just got home. I always
go to my favourite blogs, Ross and Rosie. Well I couldn't believe my
eyes when I saw your picture as I scrolled down to get to the last entry
I had read. Quite cool!!! I am impressed that you made the blog and
that you eat squash!!
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