Big smile, bright red top

Ever have a brief encounter with someone that touches you deeply?
I had one such experience when I was in Biloxi last fall. During the trip we worked on several homes. The one we spent the most time at was owned by a lady about my age and with my name - but life experiences are radically different. At her house I helped install kitchen cabinets for the first time, I hung cupboard doors, help build a set of stairs and create a railing. I also, sweated buckets in the oppressive Biloxi heat.
When we arrived L- and misc family members and stray folks she had taken in were living in trailers on the front lawn. By the end of the week, the house was almost ready for them to move in.
The final night, as we celebrated our time together and the work accomplished - I had an occasion to sit and have an extended conversation with L- for a bit. She shared with me that ALL her extended family lived in the immediate neighbourhood. Her home is the one they grew up in. When Katrina came - they lost everything. Every single person in her family, everything they owned, all gone. As soon as they could, the came back to see if they could salvage anything and to protect their property. There were no stores, no food and no gas. They slept in the yard on air mattresses. They cooked dinner over an open fire. Sometimes wild dogs would come and circle. They could hear them howling in the night. The dogs, like the people were hungry and abandoned. At one time her yard was full with six FEMA trailers. When we arrived in the fall of 2007 they were down to 3 trailers. Several of her siblings had finished rebuilding and were back in their homes. The first year all the kids, nieces and nephews went with one sister to Texas. Biloxi was not safe for the kids. They came back once there there was a school and grocery store and trailer to live in. Many people that came back to Biloxi died that first year. I am told many of the older people just gave up hope and died. L- was strong, her family was strong. They rebuilt and stuck together.
Sadly, on Saturday, L- was found dead in her home.
I had looked forward to returning to Biloxi and seeing L- living in her restored home. I know she is now in her eternal home - but her strong and gentle presence will be missed!
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