In all honestly I am exhausted. I had planned to read on the trip home - but instead I slept on and off and watched the movie. So now I have arrived home with my night and day all turned around.
Only a few more days and it is back to work at the new/old job(don't ask it is complicated?!?).
I have decided to make a little personal retreat before returning to work. My favourite place to kick back and relax - is at the beaches right here in San Diego. Since I have the opportunity 'get away' I am going to sieze it and drive up the coast to visit the beach in Santa Barbara.
My favourite part of the trip is on the edge of Ventura County when you turn the bend and all of a sudden the ocean and mountains appear. At that moment you are rewarded for persevering though all the traffic and the concrete jungle of L.A. and Ventura. No matter how many times I make the trip - turning this corner always takes my breathe away!

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